Welcome to our liturgical ministries! If God is calling you or if you want to get involved in a parish ministry, scroll below to learn more about the opportunities at St. Edwards.

Although priests from Riverside came to Corona as early as 1887 to celebrate mass at a "preaching station," (private home), it was almost 20 years before the parish was established as a mission parish in 1896.
Fr. J.M. McCarthy built the first church, named after St. John the Baptist and dedicated in 1898 by Bishop Montgomery of the Diocese of Los Angeles. Established as a parish in 1908, it received its first resident pastor, Fr. William Power, the following year.
Fr. Clarence Kimmons replaced the original building with a "stone" church twenty years later. At its dedication in 1919, the name was changed to St. Edward, the Confessor.

Liturgy Ministry
Liturgical Ministers are people, clergy and laity alike, who worked to lead all people to full, active and conscience participation and appreciation of the liturgy. We as Liturgical Ministers must continue this vision as we celebrate the Catholic faith in our parish of St. Edward as well as throughout the San Bernardino Diocese, sending Catholic Christians out to spread the mission of Christ in their daily living. It is essential that the laity recognize and affirm their role as a minister, as baptized Christians, in the building up of the Church. Priests in the Diocese of San Bernardino often travel from one parish to another to celebrate weekday Masses as well as the Sunday Eucharist. It is becoming increasingly more important that the clergy rely on the assistance of well informed lay leaders, Liturgical Ministers, that can assist and carry out the many aspects of liturgical preparation and the formation and training of liturgical ministers.
For Diocesan Training Schedules please check out the Diocesan Worship Office Website:
To participate in any of the training please get pre-approved by the Liturgical Office prior to signing up with any class.
Eucharistic Ministry
"The Eucharist constitutes the very life of the Church, for the Lord said, I am the bread of life. No one who comes to me shall ever be hungry, no one who believes in me shall ever thirst. In every celebration of the Eucharist there should always be a sufficient number of ministers for the distribution of the Eucharist. Priority is always given to ordinary ministers (bishops, priests, deacons) and auxiliary ministers (instituted acolytes). When here are large numbers of the faithful present and there are insufficient ordinary and auxiliary members at hand, special or extraordinary ministers (Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion EMHC) properly appointed beforehand should assist in the distribution of Communion." (HLS #29).
The faithful who are ill are deprived of their rightful and accustomed place in the Eucharistic community. In bringing communion to them the Minister of Communion represents Christ and manifests faith and charity on behalf of the whole community toward those who cannot be present at the Eucharist. For the sick the reception of communion is not only a privilege but also a sign of support and concern shown by the Christian community for its members who are ill. Pastoral Care for the Sick, Chapter 3, Nos. 72-73.

Adoración Nocturna
Understood simply, Eucharistic Adoration is adoring or honoring the Eucharistic Presence of Christ. In a deeper sense, it involves "the contemplation of the Mystery of Christ truly present before us".
During Eucharistic Adoration, we "watch and wait", we remain "silent" in His Presence or sing His praises, and open ourselves to His Graces which flow from the Eucharist ... By worshiping the Eucharistic Jesus, we become what God wants us to be! Like a magnet, The Lord draws us to Himself and gently transforms us.
In its fullest essence ... Eucharistic Adoration is "God and Man reaching out for each other, at the same time!"
Usher Ministry
Welcoming has everything to do with how we make people feel. Are they comfortable—physically, psychologically and spiritually, from the appearance of the facility to the ease of finding the appropriate place; to being greeted and accepted yet not smothered; to feeling the joy and anticipation of the parish community and the experience of God’s love, compassion and grace; to a Joining a Mass and being able worship in a way that expresses who they are; to a sense of opportunities for personal and spiritual growth? Recall a time when you were the stranger, what made you feel cared for, accepted and loved? Recalling those situations each time you meet someone new will make you more sensitive to their experience.
Welcoming starts with being attuned to the needs and hopes of people. When someone new walks through the doors of St. Edward, the first question is cultural: “Is there anyone here like me?” Our answer should be, Yes, we have a very diverse community and everyone is very welcome.” The second question is more personal: “Is there anyone here who is interested in me?” Our answer better be "Yes, I am." If the answer is no because people are too busy or too wrapped up in what they are doing and the parish as a whole is not prepared to receive the person with hospitality, then the this person or persons will look elsewhere—or may not look again at all. First impressions are so important. We can be the most loving community once you belong, but if we do not reach out to those visiting us they will never know.
Some of you are Ushers, ministering in the church building, helping people find a pew, helping people with their donations, helping people to receive the Body and Blood of Christ in an orderly way, and helping people if an emergency arises. Some of you may be Ministers of Hospitality, welcoming those at the door, greeting and thanking people for joining us. Either way our goal here at St. Edward is make everyone feel at home and to know they are in a sacred place with the welcoming arms of Christ reaching out to them.

Altar Serving
Serving at God's altar is one of the greatest ways that young people can deepen their understanding of their faith and begin to recognize the active participation at Mass. Serving God and the church is very rewarding. This helps us grow closer to God and to the church at this moment in time but stay close to God.
Serving as an altar server is a an opportunity for the younger members in our parish to develop the virtues of stewardship and to learn about the liturgy. By the sacrament of baptism we are called to service.
What is an Altar Server?
An altar server is a boy or a girl who is in 4th grade or above who serves God and His people in the celebration of mass.
The requirements to be an altar server are:
- A catholic who has received first communion.
-Is able to pay close attention and carry out important duties.
-Must attend a training session.
Music Ministry
The Church’s liturgy is inherently musical; thus, music is a necessarily normal dimension of every experience of communal worship. (Liturgical Music Today, #5). In the liturgy, however, music is an art placed at the service of communal prayer. “Music should assist the assembled believers to express and share the gift of faith that is within them and to nourish and strengthen their interior commitment of faith. It should heighten the texts so that they speak more fully and more effectively. The quality of joy and enthusiasm which music adds to community worship cannot be gained in any other way. It imparts a sense of unity to the Assembly and sets the appropriate tone for a particular celebration.” (Music in Catholic Worship, #23). Yet as the late Brother Roger, founder of the Taizé Community remarked, “liturgical music must be like John the Baptist: always pointing to Christ, never calling attention to itself.”
All who serve in the ministry of music in a parish should attend special training sessions to become aware of theological, pastoral and procedural aspects of their ministry. Training of all Ministers of Music will focus on preparation for their major responsibilities. In order to assure that all music ministers have the opportunity to receive adequate training and formation, those who are responsible for music ministry in a parish should have further special education and training that prepares them to reach others. Having appropriate knowledge and training will help all ministers to function effectively and bring confidence and joy to their experience.

Arts & Environment
One of the many ways we at St. Edward Catholic Church glorify God is through the art and environment aspects of the church. The Arts and Environment Ministry Team implements the Church's guidelines in a way consistent with the liturgical calendar and design of our church building. This team is also charged with overseeing the decoration of the church for all the various special and seasonal liturgies. Some of our volunteer opportunities include: the decoration planners for Christmas, Easter, and all seasons of the Liturgical year, those interested in flowers and plants, sowers or stitchers to make linens for the Altar, credence table and gift table, and especially visionaries--to help implement the guidelines on Liturgical decorations.
If God is calling you or if you feel you are interested in joining a parish minister, please contact the Parish Office (951) 549 - 6000 or click the contact form button below.