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Catechism - Formation for Life

@St. Edwards Catholic Church


Faith formation is a lifelong process. As baptized Catholics, we are living our baptismal promises when we are continuously looking for ways to learn and grow in our faith. The St Edward Office of Formation for Life strives to assist each individual and family in their faith journey. 


The National Directory for Catechesis states, "Ongoing catechesis fosters the growth of a more mature faith in the members of the community. It aims to make each person's faith living, explicit and active,...enlightened by doctrine". It is a "lifelong process for the individual and a constant and concerted pastoral activity of the Christian community."


The Church recognizes parents as the primary educators in the faith of their children. The family is called the "domestic church" because it is within the family that the life of the entire Church may be reflected: mission; catechesis; witness; prayer etc. (GDC, 236). Because of this, St Edward has implemented catechesis that assists parents in the formation of their own children as well as offers ways for parents to continue to enrich their own faith journey. 

Call our office or contact us below to find out about the opportunities St Edward offers to keep people of all ages engaged in the faith community as well as growing in faith and love of God.

Formation for Life Office: 951-549-6005 ext. 204 or ext. 222

Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday from 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

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