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Welcome to our parish ministries! If God is calling you or if you want to get involved in parish ministry, scroll below to learn more about the opportunities at St. Edwards.

About Us: Portfolio
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Although priests from Riverside came to Corona as early as 1887 to celebrate mass at a "preaching station," (private home), it was almost 20 years before the parish was established as a mission parish in 1896.


Fr. J.M. McCarthy built the first church, named after St. John the Baptist and dedicated in 1898 by Bishop Montgomery of the Diocese of Los Angeles. Established as a parish in 1908, it received its first resident pastor, Fr. William Power, the following year.


Fr. Clarence Kimmons replaced the original building with a "stone" church twenty years later. At its dedication in 1919, the name was changed to St. Edward, the Confessor.

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Nueva Jerusalen 

The mission and motivation of this ministry is love. The community in today's world lives a life of high intense Christian Values. This ministry shares their gifts with others and uses them to glory God by helping each other to grow profoundly in God. They focus on sharing their Godly experiences with others and the world with the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Grupo de Oración
El Viñador
(Prayer Group) 

The mission of Grupo de Oracion (Prayer Group) is to take all people to have an encounter with Jesus Christ and to have a relationship with him. This ministry prays for all that are sick and for the entire world.  

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Knights of Columbus 

                                     MISSION STATEMENT


 The mission of the Knights of Columbus is to provide members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, their communities’ families and young people. The Knights of Columbus has numerous volunteer service programs that will let you help us share the Experience…


In Service to the Church

Knights are the ‘strong right arm’ of their local parishes.  They help with tasks and special projects that require both the financial and manpower based resources that the Knights can provide.


In Serving the Community

Knights, pray for and show support for their local police, fire and emergency personnel.  They also sponsor and support food drives and fund drives to raise money for charity.


For the Good of the Council

Councils hold activities that foster fraternal bonds between members, allow for networking opportunities and building leadership skills in members that lead to professional success.  Council service programs are designed on a council to council basis to conduct projects that suit both the needs of the community and the interest of the membership.

For the Family

Councils sponsor social functions that are open to members and their families.  Councils conduct several events every year ranging from movie night to holiday parties and barbecue events.


Join Us

Interested in helping your community? Want to know more about the Catholic faith? Do you feel a calling to do more and help others?


         Contact the Parish Office Or email:







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Food Pantry 

Our mission is based on Matthew 25:35 “For I was hungry and you have me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink.”


We hope to eliminate hunger in our community, and beyond if possible. We do this in the Holy name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen


St. Edward Food Pantry is open on Saturdays from 10 a.m. till 12:00 p.m.


For our homeless neighbors we offer a bag of food that does not require cooking or refrigeration. You will need to sign in.


Our Corona families receive two or three bags of groceries that do require cooking or refrigeration. Families are required to fill out an application and have a photo ID. 


Currently because of the pandemic, you need not live in Corona to apply.

However, you will need to fill out and application, have a photo ID and a current utility bill with your name on it.


            If you have any questions please contact the Parish Office

                                  951 549 6000

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To Grow in Grace and Knowledge of Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ*. Be Light, Hope, Peace and Imitation of Our Blessed Mother Mary, That we may strengthen the Kingdom of God through our service and exemplar. 


Encuentro Matrimonial 

Worldwide Marriage Encounter is a week- end for married Christian couples who value their relationship and desire a richer, fuller life together. Couples from all over the world have experienced the beauty and the gift of the weekend. The emphasis of Worldwide Marriage Encounter is on communication between husband and wife, who spend a weekend together away from the distractions and the tensions of everyday life, to concentrate on each other. They want to share that experience with you, because they found something worth passing on.


El fin de semana del Encuentro Matrimonial es una experiencia positiva y personal para parejas, sacerdotes y religiosos/as. Es una buena oportunidad para examinar profundamente su relación entre ambos, con Dios y con la Iglesia. Este Encuentro está diseñado para extender y revitalizar la alegría de vivir el Plan de Dios en una rel- ación sacramental.





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Servants of Salvation
Young Adult Group 

If you are over the age of 18, join us on Wednesdays at 7pm in the Hospitality Room.

If God is calling you or if you feel you are interested in joining a parish minister, please contact the Parish Office (951) 549 - 6000 or click the contact form button below.

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©2021 St. Edward Roman Catholic Church

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